Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Fall From Grace and the Green Monster Movement....

So after Princess B was born I was super mom!  Breast fed, clothed diapered, sang, read, rocked, played, lost all pregnancy weight and then some, all while finishing my masters.  Thought I was the shizzle.  Turns out she was just a really, really good baby.  Like unnaturally good baby.  Then along came poor little Caden, bless him!  Banged up and bruised, jaundiced and it turned out colicky.  Gone was super mom.  Enter tired, cranky, hormonal mommy.  Yes I still breast fed and cloth diapered him but it was a struggle.  Everything was a struggle including losing the last ten pounds.  My initial goal was to be pre-pregnancy weight three months post-partum, then changed it to six, and now it has changed to twelve months.  By god, surely by his first birthday I can lose those last ten! 

I have always been a proponent of South Beach, worked wonders losing all those “I love bar-tending and alcohol and all that it stands for!!!” pounds I packed on in college.  It worked great after I had Brennan.  I am sure it would work great now however I don’t have the time to be so restrictive anymore.  So I decided to start Weight Watchers simply because I can eat whatever I want as long as I stay in my point range.  It is basically holding me accountable for what I put in my mouth.  So far so good!  I just started this week, but I have more energy this week than I have had in a while.  I thought I would share a few new things I have found.

 After doing a LOT of Google searching I found this great website called Freckleberry which I highly recommend for great WW recipes!  I came across this great recipe for a green smoothie.  I made it the next morning and it was DELICIOUS!  
4 cups spinach
1 banana 
1/2 cup FF Greek Yogurt
1 T peanut butter
1 cup skim milk
Handful of ice if your fruit is not frozen

Blend and enjoy!  I know it sounds weird but really all you taste is banana and peanut butter.  It is 6 PointsPlus for this shake but it is very large and quite filling.  If you want to decrease points make with unsweetened vanilla almond milk for a tasty treat at only 4 PointsPlus.    I will say I have done both and enjoyed the skim milk version much better.  You can also play with it and add different fruit and kale instead of spinach.  I love it so much I Googled green shakes and there is a whole movement out there people!  It is called the Green Monster Movement and people are serious about it!  There is even a website dedicated to it.  Give it a whirl(pun intended)...what is the worst that can don't like it and throw it out?  OR you have found a delicious and nutritious way to eat a CRAP TON of spinach! 

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