Wednesday, March 20, 2013

In The Beginning...

I have been playing around with the idea of starting a blog for a long time.  I never have for two reasons:  1) I have terrible memories of my computer science class in college.  All of the codes and internety language that doesn't get along with me.  I tried so hard to set up a webpage, spent hours, and it was still completely screwed up in the end.  Shout out to hubby for fixing all that for me and being the only reason I passed that class!! 2) No one really wants to hear what I have to say...right?  Well three things happened to change all of this.  First off, it is apparently VERY easy to start a blog..god bless Google and everything they stand for!  Seriously, I sat down, created a blog, and had my first posting within thirty minutes!  Cool huh?  Secondly I realized that I do a LOT of stuff.  I cannot be still or settle into a routine for anything.  Therefore, there is always a new diet I am trying out, cooking phase I am in, craft, parenting tool, book, TV show,  or movie that I am obsessed with.  Point is, people are always asking for a recipe, craft, idea, opinion, etc.  Instead of me trying to make a mental note to email or respond to them I figured why not organize it all into one place.  Which brings me to the third and main reason I started this.  I am CRAZY!  Oh if I had a nickle!  Not bad crazy...I don't think.  Right?  Just crazy...out there, no filter, inappropriate, loud, obnoxious, happy, sad, tired, A type, must be organized, must have a clean house but have two kids and six animals and the house is always a wreck kind of crazy.  I am a stay at home you know what that means?  That means that 80% of my conversations happen with a 3 and a 1 year old.  Don't get me wrong, we have some fabulous convos and I wouldn't have it any other way.  That said I am in my head A LOT.  More times than not I find myself thinking if only I had someone to share that with.  SO I decided to share it with, drum roll please....., myself!  I figured it would be cathartic to put all of my crazy thoughts onto paper, electronically.  So I really started this blog for me...sort of an electronic journal that the whole world can see if they want to.  Since I can't have coffee with my friends and talk to them about all of the goings on in my life without one of my kids pulling on me, this is now my outlet.  Hopefully it will turn out to be a good resource for others to get some ideas for crafts and dinners and to have a good laugh on occasion.  Hopefully others will share their ideas and stories.  But if I am the only one that ever reads this that will be ok too.  Time will tell...

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