Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I'm Baaacckk! Family Update Edition...

Oh goodness it has been a long month...I always say I HATE May!  Birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Day, Oh My!  There is so much crammed into the month that one cannot possibly enjoy any of it.  On top of it the weather gets warm so I naturally want to go and do more than I have all winter.  This renders me super busy and super exhausted...throw in a vacation to the beach, a baby cutting molars, and a handful of colds and that is a recipe for no blogging! 

Princess Brennan is her sweet busy self per the usual.  She just finished her first year of preschool and her very first dance recital is this weekend!  She has suddenly become even more girly, which I was not aware was humanly possible.  She changes outfits at extreme minimum 5 times a day, no exaggeration.  She disappears and gets quiet.  This would make most parents nervous, but I know she will emerge with another bracelet, different shoes, a new crown or headband, or with an entirely new wardrobe change!  This is super cute and makes my life easy, however by God I better pay attention to what she is wearing because if I don't notice that very important bracelet change Miss Diva emerges!  Oh the teenage years should be extra, super fun at the rate we are going...

Wish I had better things to say about Mr. Tots but here goes:  He has been so horrible this month!  I know I am one of the few moms that will actually say this about her child but to be fair, I always said I wouldn't be the parent who's child was perfect and never did wrong.  Bless his heart, he has had a rough go of it.  If you are interested in his back story check it out here.  If you are caught up then you know he can be difficult but that we love him anyway!  Well enter the evil molars.  He screamed and cried and didn't sleep for about a week.  His poor mouth was swollen, he looked like a chipmunk.  I kept thinking he had put something in his mouth.  The next week he slept but when awake he fussed.  Week 3 he got sick with a high fever, swollen tonsils, Dr ruled out strep so YAY!  another virus we have to ride out.  Mr Caden is the worst patient on the planet.  If he is sick, he is mean!  Oh and by the way, his molars still are not through!  Week 4 he seemed to be on the mend but suddenly today and yesterday has decided napping is not cool chest gets tight even typing this.  For my sanity this cannot be happening...

Feel like I need to say something nice about him so here that goes:  When he is healthy and not teething he is the happiest baby on the planet, ready to explore everything.  He has a brilliant sense of humor and is wicked smart.  Unfortunately he hasn't been healthy lately so I have only gotten small glimpses of that baby:(  Everyone reading this, send us some good juju...we need healthy happy non-teething Caden to return so I don't end up on the news! 

Kev is Kev.  This is why I love him!  He is the constant in my otherwise crazy world.  I can always count on him to be the chill dude in the background no matter what is going on or how crazy I become.  He works a lot, but find me a lawyer that doesn't.  He actually hasn't been as busy at work lately which apparently means coming home earlier in the evening!  It has been nice.  I know the minute I get used to it, it will stop.  We are just enjoying Daddy being home and dinner at a normal hour as much as we can!  I have talked him into attempting a hairstyle...he has been buzzing his hair since his middle school bowl cut days ended (great pictures when combined with his super cool Harry Potter glasses!).  I have attempted multiple times to get him to try something new.  It has never gone well.  I hope this time it will, doubtful, but a girl can hope. 

As for me, other than trying to keep my sanity in check, my blood pressure low, and my anxiety at a manageable level, life is good.  Seriously, the majority of my extended family is on anti-anxiety meds so I am very aware of the pre-genetic disposition my brain is hardwired for.  Everyday I have not decided to finally enter therapy or end up on some mood calming medication is a WIN!  What?  You couldn't tell how crazy I am from my writing style?  I feel as though the extreme use of sarcasm alone is a dead give away.  The important thing is I am aware of the person I could become and that is half the battle I think.  Fingers crossed I don't go off the deep end one day! 

As for weight loss, I joined weight watchers a few weeks ago and naturally since I have finally decided to spend money on the program I have decided I don't want to do it anymore!  My weight loss had plateaued so I am biting the bullet and doing phase 1 of South Beach again...Short version:  No sugar, no carbs, no alcohol for 7 days.  It is supposed to 14 days but I really don't have that much more to lose.  This is just to get me over the hump and then I will likely go back to WW as a maintenance thing.  7 days from yesterday I will decide what I want to do. 

So there you have it...the nitty gritty on the family.  Hope this wasn't too boring for everyone.  I will do better next time:)  I have a couple ideas of random rant posts I want to do so everyone stay tuned! 

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