Friday, March 22, 2013

My Daughter the Egg Stealer...

Almost every morning I make scrambled egg whites with sliced tomatoes.  I have that and coffee and it is fast, filling, and tasty.  It takes no time to make, is cheap, and quite tasty if you like egg whites.  Add a cup of low sodium V8 and you have a Weight Watchers Points Plus Value of 1 whole point.  Supposedly all of these things are 0 points, but I feel like it has to add up to something so I throw a point in there for good measure.  My 2 cups of coffee with creamer are 1 point each.  So for all that food and liquid I am good to go until lunch and it is only 3 points...not too shabby. 

So like I said, almost every morning I make scrambled egg whites and every morning Princess Brennan suddenly wants eggs.  We go through the same spiel every morning....

Me:  What do you want for breakfast?  You can have grits, cereal, toast, pancakes, eggs, waffles, yogurt, etc...
Brennan: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I think I waaaaaaaant __________(fill in the blank with anything in the entire world other than eggs).
Me:  Ok sounds good but are you sure don't want some eggs?  I can make them scrambled or boiled?
Brennan:  No I'm good.

I make whatever Her Highness has requested and to her credit she almost always eats it.  She is a phenomenal eater and was born starving.  Breakfast is her meal man!  She can put away some food.  Take this morning for example.  She requested cinnamon butter toast.  While that was cooking she requested Dora cereal and ate that.  Then ate 1 1/2 slices of toast.  And finally scarfing that down asked what I was doing, like she didn't we don't have the same conversation every morning.  I kindly responded that I was making some eggs.  Suddenly she magically and very excitedly wants eggs too!  So I bring my breakfast to the table and she proceeds to scarf that down.  When she is finished she always announces very seriously to me that she ate all of my eggs.  I then go make more and FINALLY eat my breakfast. 

Now, I know what you are all thinking...Why don't you just make double the amount of eggs and give some to her while you eat yours?  I laugh at you!  This is way too logical and simply does not work.  If I do that she knows and won't eat them.  Its like they don't taste as good unless they were going to be all mine and part of the flavor comes from the satisfaction of eating them before I get any. 

I secretly love this routine.  I love that she is getting protein in her otherwise carbolicious breakfast.  I love that she will only eat my eggs off of my plate while 'poor' mommy wastes away in the corner.  I play along because it is fun.  It is something special that is all mine and hers.  Now if only I could get her to eat the tomatoes...

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